About Us
What We Do
P.U.S.H. Athletics Academy provides a fun blend of on-the-court training and basketball IQ based on the latest techniques and systems. We focus on basketball theory and strategy, with the firm belief that being a smart basketball player is to be a skilled basketball player.
Our professional player development program is based on a strategically structured system that has been proven to help our student-athletes achieve maximum results. We believe that athletes need to focus on skill development in a challenging, yet supportive environment and we are dedicated to providing the most comprehensive program available.
We offer private and small group basketball skills training sessions, led by our highly skilled staff of former collegiate and professional basketball players.
P.U.S.H. Athletics Academy maintains several boys and girls basketball teams on the recreational, club/select, and elite/travel level. We train and prepare our players to build on the passion, work ethic, and drive that is necessary to become great people, on and off the court.
Push Athletics Academy:
Professional Player Development
Team Information
Our teams are handpicked by professional evaluation. You will be challenged, you will be competitive, and you will see growth.

Let's Build & Grow
Recreational is typically the grade school aged student-athletes. They are still building on their skills, sharpening their basketball IQ, and growing in the game. This group is occasionally co-ed, they mainly play in rec leagues, with the occasional tournaments. Rec teams practice once a week. Supplemental private and small group training is recommended.

Fundamentally Fit
The Club/select level is a combination of mainly all age levels. They are taking what they've learned and applying it to the game. This level is competitive and challenging, yet motivating. Lots of skills training and team building. This group will play in 2 tournaments per month, practice twice a week, with the occasional regional traveling.

The Growth Mindset
This is our top tier group. They understand the game, apply their basketball IQ on the court, and play in NCAA certified tournaments. They go neck and neck with the heavy hitters from all over the country. This group plays in two tournaments per month, practices twice a week, and travels in and out of state. High school level elite players are provided platforms where they may be evaluated by college coaches & scouts. We are consistently seeking opportunities for their post high school careers and beyond.
Join One Of Our AAU Teams!
Tryouts are happening NOW! Our final round of tryouts for the Spring season is February 23rd and March 2nd! We are looking to build teams of all skill sets, experience levels, and ages. Come out, show us what you've got, and we will find a place just for you! Click the link below and register today!